The high-frequency welders are machines designed for packaging PVC-based materials (polyvinyl chloride), mainly used in the form of sheets or large-sized sheets. The robustness of the machine and of all the electromechanical and pneumatic components used in the construction , compliant with the regulations and largely oversized, give the welding machines a high degree of reliability.
Correct logistical support allows the risk of machine downtime to be reduced to a minimum, thus guaranteeing programmable production with extremely low risks. operate safely, in compliance with the EEC directives in force concerning machines with a medium-low level of risk.
The material to be welded is placed on the work surface, it is pressed by the welding electrode to which high-frequency (27.12 MHz) power (or welding current) is applied, for a defined time.
The material thus becomes the high-loss insulator of a capacitor in which the POSITIVE pole is made up of the WELDING ELECTRODE (OR MOLD), and the NEGATIVE pole from the work surface.
The molecules of the PVC, crossed by the high-frequency current, join together thus forming a single body. By mixing these 3 parameters, PRESSURE, POWER, TIME, one is able to obtain an excellent welding quality. Thanks to this special technology, THE HIGH FREQUENCY JOINING of PVC sheets, turns out to be by far the best possible welding for this product.
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